16 Oct

My Rails World talk and other adventures

Hi there,

I neglected this email list for a while, but I am getting back to creating more content and I intend to write more regular updates to you.
The main trigger of this email is to let you know that the recording of my Rails World talk is available on YouTube to watch! Here is a link to it: https://youtu.be/W-Qu4bDx2vQ?si=OiOu73710WPwxlNF, give it a watch and if you have any questions about the things I talked about, or have any feedback, please reply to this email. I think there is a lot of room for improvement with my public speaking, but hopefully the talk is still enjoyable.

But since I haven't wrote to you since April, let me give you a little bit of an update of what happened to me since. I built a little cabin to my family on our land during the summer, that's partially the reason of me being away from the internet.
I also made a slight career change, and decided to stop doing penetration testing and security consulting. In the future I want to focus on Rails development part-time as I did before. In the rest of my time, I will do bug bounty hunting to satisfy my itch for security and I will also put more focus towards creating content. First of all, I'd like to finish my course content, because I already sold a few licences during the pre-sale.

In September, I was fortunate to attend two amazing conferences. First, I went to FriendlyRb in Bucharest. I gave a talk titled "OWASP Top 10 for Rails developers". There will a recording of it eventually and I will email about that when it is out, in the meantime, you can view my slides. This conference was amazing. It was single track and I actually watched all the talks, because there was plenty of opportunity to chit-chat during the breaks.
I wrote a little recap on my blog, read it if you want to learn more about my experience. If you want to attend a conference next year, I highly recommend this one and unless something unexpected happens, I will be there for sure!
While still being high on the emotions from Friendly, I headed to Toronto for Rails World. This conference was also amazing. The only downside is that due to the large crowd, I didn't manage to talk to everyone I was planning to. As for Friendly, I wrote a little recap about my Rails World experience too.

Now I am back to work, although I still need to spend substantial time on our land before winter arrives, but I try to produce more content, and I wrote a short post about Rails 8 and TailwindCSS yesterday. 

That's all I wanted to update you about. I hope you also had a great time since I emailed to you. 
As always, my inbox is open, if you want to chat about anything, hit reply!
