04 Sep

Pombo Mailer updates

Hi there,

Here is the latest update from the Pombo Newsletter!
Where I live, schools start mid-September, so I am still struggling to find time for my side projects, including Pombo. But I still made a few improvements recently.
You can set SEO tags for your newsletter archive page. This can help with search results, and by filling in the Open Graph and X(formerly Twitter) fields, the preview will look better when you share your newsletter on social media. You can also set these tags for an individual newsletter issue and write a separate summary for the list page of the archive.

Another useful addition is the import feature for your previous issues from an RSS field. Importing subscribers from a CSV is there from the first days, in case you didn't know about that one.

My plans for the next couple of weeks are to write a few guides and maybe shoot a view screencast about how to use Pombo.

As I mentioned in the previous email, I chose LemonSqueeze for my payment processor, but that turned out to be a bad choice. I had a subscriber who got three days of trial instead of 3 months, and I am still waiting on their support to figure out the root cause of that one. So I will just migrate to Stripe, which will enable me to offer a trial without asking for card details.

Those are the updates. If you want to check an example archive page, you can look at the one for this newsletter: https://pombomailer.com/n/pombo
You can also sign up for an account here: https://pombomailer.com/users/sign_up. You don't need a subscription until you want to actually send an issue, and the Starter plan still has a 3 months free trial.

Until next time!