19 Jun

June update from Greg

Hi, you are receiving this email because you subscribed to the newsletter on my blog.
This is the first time I am sending an update, but I will try to make them more regular in the future by sending a summary of the content I put on the blog and maybe some reflection on things I come across.

If you follow me, you are probably subscribed to my weekly Rails Tricks newsletter too. In the past four weeks, I published the following issues:

I finally had time to test MRSK, the new deployment tool for Rails(or other apps). Since I don't know much about Docker, there were a few things to get familiar with, but I ended up liking MRSK, and I use it to deploy my latest side project(which I will share more about soon).
I documented how to deploy a Rails app with MRSK in this blog post: https://greg.molnar.io/blog/deploying-a-rails-app-with-mrsk/

My kids are on summer break, which makes it difficult, but I want to ramp up my content production this summer, so you will hear more from me!

Until next time,
